Complaint 96987 Details

  • Date Occurred: 02/15/2014
  • Reported Damages: $2,500.00

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Coast Dental employs an outrageous scam on all its insurance patients. They advertise that they take your insurance. That is why I went there on Feb 15th,2012. Was I wrong. The rip off is providing only procedures and products not covered in the insurance contract. I asked for the standard crown that is covered by my insurance. They refused my request and insisted on the expensive crown. I had a broken tooth was in great pain and in no position to argue with them.

My dental insurance is United Healthcare and they have negotiated good prices for the policy holders. Coast Dental wants the big bucks so they make it mandatory for you to have a procedure or product not covered by the insurance contract. Does this mean that the Dentist is willing do anything to the patient
including harming the patient to adhere to this protcol? I think so.

I paid Coast Dental $4400 for the bridge and preparation. United Health Care informed me that my bill under the contract should have been $1900.

Now comes the insurance fraud. In order to get your insurance benefit they fraudulently bill the insurance company for something that is covered but not done. Dr Perkins and their band of high pressure assistants insist that you must have the expensive non covered procedure or product or they will not treat you. Latter I learned that what they insisted on was a bad alternative, this very hard material used in the expensive bridge biting down on a natural tooth will destroy the natural tooth.

I will have to wait at least two and half months for the bridge. Patient abandoment! They had my money on day one and are in no hurry to complete my bridge. Mean while at the March 6th appointment scheduled to fix the egg shell temporary bridge and to have the Dentist adjust my bite. Never saw the Dentist. Was told that any further repairs would cost $150. When I complained to the dental assistant about the poor quality of the temporary I was called a troublemaker, had my teeth smashed, and a sharp obect jammed into the wound. Ouch! This was a deliberate attempt to damage the anchor teeth and induce an infection in the wound. Neither the Dentist or the assistant asked if I had premedicated for my joint replacement, negligence. So here I am toothless and the mercy of these vultures. There should be a law that allows
the patient to hold some money back until the work is completed. Once they have your money time is only important to the patient.

Bottom line Coast Dental is an unethical and dangerous dental scam. Stay away!

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Business Profile Summary

  • Coast Dental logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Coast Dental
  • Complaints Filed: 5
  • Reported Damages: $7,110.48
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