Complaint 62059 Details

  • Date Occurred: 01/20/2014
  • Reported Damages: $20.00
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

FIrst to all who lost money to these foriegn bastards I am sorry, and with your help, we may be able to get your money back.
I wanted to borrow $300.00 due to a unexpected trip to the hospital. A Arabic or maybe Indian accent was very heavy. They connected me with a man calling himself Andy at Ext 116, but he does not have a ext. he has caller ID, whoever answers will tell you to hang up because that gy was tring to call me. HE said they did not do loans under $1000.00 and he said I had to go to a Western Union because I had to send $150.00 to show that I could show that I can make my payments. I told him I did not have that much cash on me, and he kept telling me to boorow it from someine, then he said I had to have a cell, but when I bought a new GMC SUV, it had unlimited hands for $17.00 a month, and my cell which was never used after I bought a new truck, I had it turned off and I save $68.00 a month. MY mother and I are both diasabled, and with Onstar they know if you have a accident that opens the airbags, and they also have a button for EMS. Then "andy" said to go borrow one. I used my sister and he said to call him as soon as I got to western union, and waht he said would take about 90 seconds, but I waited 30 minutes, and he I had to talk to his boss, and he woulkd then expalain how to send money and get it all back, instead of getting $1000.00 I would get $1150.00. I never did do any transactions, and I never got to talk to the couselor, however Andy who was my loan officer kept saying that it will be just 1 more minute, I finally left and they asked when I could be back to Western Union, and I said 3 minutes, but I also told him I was not going back, there was something wrong with this. Then I saw all of the people who sent the money to back expecting getting their loan and the other money they sent, but then other charges such as $106.00 for postage. I did not see why a wire transfer would cost $106.oo for postage. These are crooks, and they could be collecting money along with other easy cash businesses to clooct enough cash to get another jumbo jet, or even a nuclear bomb or maybe just a dirty bomb that could cause hell for The USA. I am a miliiary veteran, and I would hate to see another war caused by terrorist and we will have to lose very bright young men and women to stop any terrorist activiy.
I am not asking anyone to pay a dime, I just want everyone whi=o have been scammed or were contacted by EZFinance.com their phone $ is 1-323-900-0031. IF we all file a IC3 the FBI, and Ice teams can deport the ones without citizen papers will be taken into custody and held for trial. These arabs are commiting federal crimes, and a slew of other criminal felony crimes, and they will be forced to pay restitution to anyone the scammed, You may not get all of your money, but the Judge who handles the trial will make them pay restitution. Any checks that they submit will cost them until your judgement is payed off. Then when their time i owed will in prison is over than they will be sent back to the country after the restitution. I have a very good friend who retired becuse he was diagnosed with cancer fter serving several decades as a FBI Agent. Your pharmacist should have the DHEC papers to get methadone, and even though
I would like everyone who has had been diagnosed from dying, I filed a ICE complaint, I filed a complaint with DHES BUREA PF DRUG CONTROL, AND I FILED OTHER PAPERS. If we want to get these arabic theive sent back to their home ports. There must had been 30 piecis in the laundry to so and with the use of only my left hand it is not easy.
My single IC3 complant did not cost me a dime. They theft of ac units from being used was a couple of days. My mother is 81, and she is frail from her cancer treatments and she is cold and I am always hot. So I just started using windiw units. They keep rooms comfortable.
If your interested please email me at (Personal Information Removed) . I already filed a complaint and I have the card of the (Personal Information Removed) who killed my little girl. Katie was a AKC Registered, buy there was not enough money printed to buy her from us, she was a member of the family.
Again, I already filed my IC3 with the FBI, and if they are illegal, ICE will want to how they got the fines after he was deported according to my DR. whos wife has a been working with him. She is a oncolgist.
Please if you have been scammed by these crooks, go to the FBI web page and click on complaint tabs for home and business if you have a business. Fell free to contact me (Personal Information Removed) . I do not want money, and nione will be expected, and please never send EZFinance,com
Thank You
David Ward

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  • EZFinance.com logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against EZFinance.com
  • Complaints Filed: 3
  • Reported Damages: $40.00
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