Nuriva and Renaderm
Complaint 359417 Details

  • Date Occurred: 03/14/2017
  • Reported Damages: $288.49
  • Location: unknown

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Called the numbers on my account statement for 3 billings that I have received no product for 844-888-3832 and 844-591-7236. I explained my situation and asked for a refund and to cancel my subscription or whatever they call it since I only received my initial sample back on Feb 1, 2017. The call center person took a few minutes to figure out what was wrong and then came back to tell me after the initial sample I was charged for club fees, I asked about where the product was and they said one item was delivered 27Feb but I never received. When I asked to cancel the person immediately tried to offer me 50-60% discounts on future orders to which I said no. No one was able to provide legal documentation to what I signed up for or a web site???? How legit is that?

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  • Nuriva and Renaderm logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Nuriva and Renaderm
  • Complaints Filed: 41
  • Reported Damages: $10,007.45
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