John Scott Genslinger
Complaint 343535 Details

  • Date Occurred: 06/10/2015
  • Reported Damages: $850.00
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I responded to an an on Craigslist for an executive insurance position, was arrogantly and rudely interviewed for as I was told one of only two positions in Florida. After the interview was completed, I was informed of a $850 fee to be paid directly to J. Scott Genslinger (he goes by Scott) and if I was selected, this amount would be due before I would even place a application. He then called me at home on a Saturday evening demanded the $850 payment to made within two hours or the position would be filled by someone else. I discovered after making the payment (what the hell what I thinking), I was informed of the company location in Reading, PA and called them. I was then told by the woman that indeed Scott did not work for them, but did do recruiting as an outside vendor. I soon discovered it was nothing like anything he represented the "job" to be and it wasn't even a job, but instead just an opportunity to be insurance licensed through this broker. The woman explained to me how there were not just two opening in Florida and contracting to sell insurance doesn't constitute being a job at all.He refused to refund my money when I called him on this fraud and soon never returned any emails, texts nor phone calls from thereafter. THIS IS A SCAM! This man is pressuring people like myself to pay him the $850 and yet I was able to with the same insurance agency the very next week for no fee whatsoever and industry wide, a fee is never charged for the right to contract to sell insurance. Only state license fees, appointment fees are ever needed. STAY AWAY FROM THIS CON MAN AND HIS SCAM!

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Business Profile Summary

  • John Scott Genslinger logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against John Scott Genslinger
  • Complaints Filed: 3
  • Reported Damages: $5,850.00
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