BigOption Binary broker
Complaint 341950 Details

  • Date Occurred: 07/27/2015
  • Reported Damages: $25,000.00
  • Location: BIGMARKETUM Ltd. The Apex, 2 Sheriffs Orchard, Coventry, West Midlan
  • !

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I made 2 withdrawals for my mom's hospital bill on last Monday 27 July 2015. My Expert Trader (Kevin White) from BigOption told me that he did some reserved trades with investment bank last week which could not be cancelled. It sounds like auto trade for 2 weeks long term. He said he reserved trades for Canadian and Oil. I negotiated him to withdraw $5,000 and it was success but I need to cancel another withdraw in order to cancel reserved trades he made. I think it is a big liar. After I cancelled my withdraw, kevin did some trades immediately on USDJPY and OIL and all trades got LOSS result for $17,500 in total just in an hour.( I changed my password and terminated expert trade contract immediately. I still have some money left in my account but only the bonus which I can't withdraw. The only way is to win trade until it exceeds the bonus level.

I asked Support BigOption many questions but no respond. I got only email said that my case was escalated to that department or that manager and it's gone. Please see below questions I submitted to BigOption.

Please answer these questions I have got advise from Mr. Kevin White


1. Can Expert trader reserve some trades in advance with investment bank for trader?

2. Do I need to cancel my withdraw request for cancellation reserved trades made by Expert trader?

3. Will Expert trader lose their license if their client loss money by his trade?

4. It is not allowed for client to see Expert trader's license or any identification document.

5. Expert trader gain 15% commission of client's profit on trade binary option and they will get it when client withdraw money.

6. Can Expert trader convince client to over investment and over trade?

I also asked them about Platinum account privilege.

BigOption’s Platinum Account is for exclusive customers who perform high trade volume (What's the maximum) and require personalised trading advice. Along with all the benefits that you are entitled to, you will also benefit from a tailor-made account, suitable for your ever-changing needs, as in:

Exclusive Daily Market Review Email (Never got it)
Advanced Guide to Trading (Got 1 training session for short term trade from Lucy Heston)
20 Risk-Free Trades* (***please explain more***)
Up to 100% Investment Bonus
Personal Account Manager (Amy Bright but do nothing)
Platinum Trading Signals up to 2 months (worth $599) (Never got it)
Additional bonuses on every deposit (please explain more)
Daily One-on-One session with our trading expert (Kevin White has been terminated from my trading expert)
Advanced Auto Trading Robot (Never got it)

It might be lucky that I just installed CallX mobile application which I have all sound records between Kenvin and me.

You can find all record sound from this link:

You can find all email exchange from this link:

I don't know whether who can explain how the credit card dispute process works.
What can I do now? Please advise.

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  • BigOption Binary broker logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against BigOption Binary broker
  • Complaints Filed: 1
  • Reported Damages: $25,000.00
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