Alena Shishkova
Complaint 292367 Details

  • Date Occurred: 12/10/2013
  • Reported Damages: $2,000.00
  • Username: Alena Shishkova
  • Location: Moscow, Russia.
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

Alena Shishkova is on the website and I think she is a scammer. We have written to each other for a year now and she keeps coming up with excuses why she can't meet me. It's cost me about $2000 now. I think she lies a lot. On her profile it says she hates liars so she must really hate herself. Not only has she hurt me financially, but also she gets people in my town to spy on me constantly, which is illegal in my country, and gets guys to tell me that they had sex with her. It's harassment, and also she is like a long distance stalker. I paid all that money and what I get in return is the worst experience of my entire existence. She's doing a lot of bad things to me. How will it all end?

Update: 05/18/2014

Harmful gases have been sent into two of the rooms of the the house I live at and it's had a bad affect on my well being. It's made me irritable. Sometimes I have not been myself, but that's understanderable. I plan to catch these bad people.

Update: 05/18/2014

I don't blame Alena for the harmful gases being sent my way. My theory is that I have some jealous enemies that want to spoil my chances with Alena because they think I still have a chance of dating her some time. It's a jungle out there.

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Business Profile Summary

  • Alena Shishkova logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Alena Shishkova
  • Complaints Filed: 2
  • Reported Damages: $5,000.00
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