Miller Motte Technical College
Complaint 292348 Details

  • Date Occurred: 07/03/2013
  • Reported Damages: $40,000.00
  • Location: Charleston SC

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Another victim of Miller Motte. I graduated from Miller Motte in July. My degree is basically worthless. I'm trying to find a college so I can get my BA and my credits won't transfer anywhere. Also, I was told that I would be able to receive my RHIT (Registered Health Information Technician) Certification through AHIMA after graduation and that turned out to be a lie. They are not accredited through AHIMA. I was also told that I would be able to test for my CPC (Certified Professional Coder). That was another lie. Up until right before my very last semester I was told I could take my CPC. One of my last classes was advanced coding. My teacher was prepping us for the CPC exam in that class. The very next semester we were told we were testing for an EHRS (Electronic Health Record Specialist) instead. No one and I mean no one wants this garbage certification. I was able to land a job at a hospital thankfully. But its a position that doesn't require a degree. If I want to move up in my career I would have to get my RHIT or CPC. I would have already had these if it wasn't for Miller Motte. Now it is looking like I will have to get another Associate Degree from an AHIMA accredited school. I feel like I wasted 2 years of my life on this school. Now I have students loans to pay back for basically nothing. I steer anyone I can far away from this trap.

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  • Miller Motte Technical College logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Miller Motte Technical College
  • Complaints Filed: 42
  • Reported Damages: $753,378.00
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