Daniel Coburn,Jr.
Complaint 223952 Details
- Date Occurred: 03/13/2013
- Reported Damages: $4,850.00
- Username: Daniel Coburn, Jr.
- Email: dan.coburn@aol.com
- Location: 203 South K Street, Tulane, CA 93274
- !
The complaint is against an online dating profile
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International boundaries
Daniel Coburn, Jr. used my email to offer me a position as his personal assistant. We had many discussions as to the legality of same and finally I accepted. He said he is a very busy executive who travels the world and the deal would entail him sending me a bank check whenever he needed financial work done.
On or about December 22, 2012 I received a suntrust cashier official check in the amount of $4,850.00. I was to distribute part of the money to different people and deduct 800.00 as my salary. I deposited same into my personal checking account with Bank of America. The bank placed a 'hold' on the check until 1/4/13 with the stipulation that in the event that the check should be paid and not returned to them (Bank of America) the funds would be made available to me on 1/4/13. I have a letter from the bank with this information.
I assumed the check was valid because the amount appeared in my balance when I checked my account. So in good faith I drew certain amounts from the account and after many text msgs and phone calls finally sent all but 850.00 via MoneyGram on 1/8/13 to Tina McMillen, Jamestown, MO 65246. The same evening when I relayed this information to him via phone I told him that I was no longer interested in working for him and severed all contact with him.
On or about 3/13/13 I checked by checking balance which I do regularly, in this case my SS check was due. and I find that I am 4,000.00 overdrawn! Two days later I received a letter from Bank of America that the check was returned unpaid as a counterfeit check and I was to replace this amount immediately. This is after 2 1/2 months that I in good faith relying on the banks information disbursed the
money. I think I have a case against them also.
Since I am a senior citizen (75 yrs old) on fixed income I had to scramble among relatives to come up with the funds to cover this overdraft....
If the bank had not accepted the check the funds would not have been available and I would have gone to the police with the copy of the counterfeit check....but the bank didn't allow this by depositing the money in my account.
I don't know what we can do about coburn but the bank should make me whole.
- Walter SBID #8896792927
- Posted 03/27/2013
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against Daniel Coburn Jr
- Complaints Filed: 6
- Reported Damages: $8,938.00
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