Lisa Bunker
Complaint 187284 Details
- Date Occurred: 12/03/2014
- Reported Damages: $0.00
- Username: Lisa Bunker
- Email:
- Location: Overseas but showed from Houston, TX
- !
The complaint is against an online dating profile
The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity
The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity
The company or person contact no longer exists
International boundaries
Got email from a lady who had an 11 year old son named Chris - had pictures and everything of a woman who said she was 42 and a widow who was a construction worker manager overseas who would come back to Houston, TX and wanted to be remarried and had all of these dreams and desires.
Wrote on email and also through Yahoo messenger under same name and ID ( - even sent pictures of her by herself, with alleged son and with friends.
Would never answer big questions like do you own a home, what is phone number - always said she was at work or staying at hotel.
Then after 3 days asks for money and when I said no kept insisting that she ONLY wanted a small amount like $450 or something to start for food and supplies because she ran over on her job and had no more money coming in.
Stay clear!
Pictures are of a very attractive woman and a handsome boy who looks just like her.
- Seeking Resolution: Other
- Stay away and stop scamming people by using inviting pictures and promises to marry and to be a mate and then to ask for money.
- JavaJoe SBID #4cf04c6a1e
- Posted 12/04/2014
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against Lisa Bunker
- Complaints Filed: 3
- Reported Damages: $10,005.00
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