Global Connect Cloud
Complaint 175323 Details

  • Date Occurred: 11/06/2014
  • Reported Damages: $0.00
  • Username: Annie
  • Location: Sydney
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I got a call from these people today. I was quite convinced because they said they were from Microsoft and my computer had been pretty slow, etc lately. I told them that i would go for the 1 year plan of $199, because they said it was not possible to think about it and consult my parents who were the main users of the computer. I was up to the point of filling of the first form with all my details, which was foolish of me. Started being a little suspicious so I looked up Global Cloud Connect on my phone and found this site, and knew i had to stop. i told the woman that I changed my mind and wished to stop with the transaction, she said it was not possible. I lied and said that i realised i didnt have my credit card with me. She said that she knows my credit card details, my credit card number starts with a 4 (I have no idea how she knows???) I asked her, and she said they know because theyre an official company connect with Microsoft. She said that she has my details so she can go ahead with the transaction right now if she wants. (Does this seems almost like a threat to anyone?) I told her that she can't legally charge my credit card without my consent. I just hung up after that and stopped the Ammy remote connection. Does anyone know if theres anything more i need to do? Do they really have my credit card details, should I check with my bank to make sure they haven't charged me? Can they still remotely access my computer?

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Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Global Connect Cloud
  • Complaints Filed: 114
  • Reported Damages: $126,764.74
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