Evening Sky Sylk,LLC.
Complaint 175066 Details
- Date Occurred: 10/16/2014
- Reported Damages: $107.33
- Location: 18015 sant angelo dr. lutz fl 33558
- !
The complaint is against an online dating profile
The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity
The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity
The company or person contact no longer exists
International boundaries
ordered what i thought sounded like a good face cream said didnt have to pay any money just £2.99 postage which turned out i payed £3.03 in the end then on the 16th of october they took another £63. 24 out my bank which i didnt discover untill i recieved some more face cream that i had not requested and another bill for £98.78 thus contacting my branch who have now dealt with this matter so i wont be out of pocket in the future so annoying that things like this are allowed to happen and that people are being robbed of their own money.
- Seeking Resolution: I'm Looking for a Refund
- Refund Amount: $ 107.04
- trishtig SBID #79419c8afd
- Posted 11/05/2014
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against Evening Sky, LLC
- Complaints Filed: 276
- Reported Damages: $63,002.53
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