Hydra Fund Financial
Complaint 175064 Details
- Date Occurred: 11/05/2014
- Reported Damages: $250.00
- Location: Hydra Funds financial
The complaint is against an online dating profile
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I applied for a $200.00 loan with 500 FAStCash, some how all of my information was given to this company (Hydra funds) without my knowledge. Upon making some inquiries with my bank I found out this company had deposited $200.00 into my account at the same time as the other company, and was debiting my account when the other company was debiting my account. The number provided to the bank was a non-working number. Approximately 4 days later I was called by a man saying I was being served for worthlees checks, he then gave me information to a collection company. I spoke with a Ms. Moore and thought I had resolved the matter by paying it off, until receiving an e-mail stating that it was being sent to yet another collection agency. Now I refuse to give these bastards anymore of my hard earned money. The only reason I settled with the collections was because my bank did confirm that they deposited $200 into my account, but now I'm understanding that it was all apart of their scam in the first place.
- Seeking Resolution: I'm Looking for a Refund
- Refund Amount: $ 250.00
- Posted 11/05/2014
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against Hydra Fund
- Complaints Filed: 912
- Reported Damages: $412,307.81
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