Complaint 173508 Details

  • Date Occurred: 10/26/2014
  • Reported Damages: $10.00
  • Location: China
  • !

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International boundaries

Just another mention not to trust OkayGoods. Bought gold from them once, no problem.

Second time I did not hear anything back. 2 emails, no response.

Opened Paypal dispute. Seller asks me to use chat, he made sure to mention it is for "intangible goods". Looking into this I can see why. PP does not cover intangible goods. Only physical.

Every chat I have with OkayGoods is:
Me. Where is my gold?
OkayGoods: close dispute first then we will deliver in 5 minutes.

In fact I am in chat with them at the moment. Copy and paste:

Please cancel the dispute first, then we will can give you the item immediately, really sorry for the delay for the delivery. If we did not give you this time, i think you can dispute this payment again. So please trust us this time. Thanks

If I close the dispute I have 0 recourse. You cannot re-open a dispute. If I leave it open odds are decent I will loose the dispute over the intangible goods aspect.

Word of advice, if you are going to buy gold, accounts or power levelling make sure you buy it from a reputable buyer. Do your research first.

  • Seeking Resolution: I'm Looking for a Refund
  • Refund Amount: $ 0.00

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  • OkayGoods logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against OkayGoods
  • Complaints Filed: 22
  • Reported Damages: $1,719.94
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