eTours and Travel
Complaint 169306 Details

  • Date Occurred: 10/11/2014
  • Reported Damages: $489.00
  • Phone Carrier:
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was called about a etours package told it would be 30 days before card was charged a day later my card was charged

called back on the 12 of oct to cancel, was very rudely spoken to actually told to "shut up and listen" and "quite condering up stories"

called a phone number provided to me 1-866-912-9290 on oct 17 said I still had not received the package yet was asked to call this number above back on friday oct 19. when i did the number was no longer in service when i hung up to try again got the same response no longer in service, called again and it then gave me a dial tone of dead air.

call the reservation package spoke to a pierre who checked my address ect and gave me a new number to call in hopes that my 15 grace period was extended which i doubt it was and for me to call a new number to get a hold off the sales department. which i did and spoke to a kelly explaining i had not yet recieved the package and there was nothing more she could do for me.

I will be calling susan powell the lady who sold me the package again tomorrow sat oct 20,2012. at a completely different number that i was giving then the number i was given by her.

I would like to be able to have the period of the 15 days and reserve the right to cancel this purchase should i choose to do so, however i am 100 per cent positive this is a complete scam.

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  • eTours and Travel logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against eTours and Travel
  • Complaints Filed: 25
  • Reported Damages: $10,372.39
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