Levela Skin Care
Complaint 166101 Details

  • Date Occurred: 09/14/2014
  • Reported Damages: $89.95
  • Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

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    • LevelaSkinCare.com Complaint / User Submitted Image #166101

I signed up online for a free trial size of Levela Skin Care, rec'd a phone call confirming this action. I was told to call & cancel w/i 15 days @ 888-283-7452, but was always placed on auto-hold and disconnected. No way to contact to cancel further shipments! I have been charged 2x of $89.95 since 9/12/12 and I have only rec'd my free trial. The free trial isnt free, they charged me for it and again 2 weeks later!
I specifically emphasized that I did not want any future shipments, the operator attempted to confuse me further and I finally got so upset I requested they cancel the entire transaction that at this point I DID NOT WANT THE FREE TRIAL...and I was told it was too late, it was already being processed and it could not be stopped. I hung up!

  • Seeking Resolution: I'm Looking for a Refund
  • Refund Amount: $ 17,990.00

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  • LevelaSkinCare.com logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against LevelaSkinCare.com
  • Complaints Filed: 74
  • Reported Damages: $11,762.17
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