Infinity Cash Loan
Complaint 159364 Details
- Date Occurred: 09/20/2014
- Reported Damages: $99.96
- Location: Unkown
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Infinity Cash Loans just called me to, with a man with a Very Hard Accent. He said I was approved for a $1500.00 Cash Advance, I told Him I was not interested in that amount of money only $350.00 to $400.00. At this point He went over my Applicaion? I wrote down each Company that I applied to and no Infinity Cash Loans! He said, o.k. on the lower amount needed but that I had to sign-up for a 50% off Shopping at Walmart, but I had to pick up the Cash Loan at Walmart too. I told Him I have no Car, do not drive and my Son will not take me anywhere! I will be 71yrs old this October, but everyone thinks I am 58ys old (take good care of your facial riturals & skin aspecially as we age, but start while your still young.)
I hope they,Infinity Cash Loans, does not try to take the $99.96 out of my Checking Account as there is not that much available and will cost me a $19.95 NSF Charge which I dininitly do not need.
- 1594 SBID #e83fdd4ec2
- Posted 09/20/2014
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against Infinity Cash Loan
- Complaints Filed: 44
- Reported Damages: $17,119.26
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