Atlantic City Electric
Complaint 153283 Details
- Date Occurred: 08/21/2014
- Reported Damages: $100.00
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Reporting-MTA: dns; Received-From-MTA: dns;SNT401-EAS413 Arrival-Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2012 22:04:59 -0700 Final-Recipient: rfc822; Action: failed Status: 5.1.1 Diagnostic-Code: smtp;550 5.1.1 User Unknown
Begin forwarded message:
From: scott kasperowicz (Personal Information Removed)
Date: September 3, 2012 2:04:10 PM GMT+09:00
To: "" <>
Subject: Re:Acc# 3250-1139-9996. 459 route 73 Atco,N,J 08004
Why can't Atlantic City Electric Do there Job Right,,,,Plus Service Techs on Location For Service Disconnect , ,Request. By Customer of 11 years at this Location
On 8-21-2012 I called from South Korea ,,For Service Disconnect ,,,
Confirmation # 12-0408-483. Date for Disconnect 8-27-2012
On 8-30-2012 ,I called to check up,,,,,,Service was Not Disconnected,,,,So I ask why,customer service said ,,Technician,Said someone living there
I said I have been in South Korea For 2 Months,,,,,I said someone must have broken into the House ,,,,,Please Disconnect A,S,A,P,,,,,,Thay gave date for 9-5-2012 to Sept 11-2012
I to customer Service of Atlantic city Electric ,,,,,,Then I ask to speak to Boss,,,,,Boss Said we try to make Disconnect on Friday 8-31-2012 before Labor Day
Why should Atlantic City Electric ,,,,Make Customer pay for their Mistakes,,,,Electric should have been Disconnected on 8-27-2012.
Because Property Is Foreclosing 459 rt73 Atco N,J 08004
I have Not Paid Mortgage since Aug 2011
I have Not Lived there for Months,,,,In South Korea,,,,
Now I have to Call again to check up if 2nd time of request for Disconnect
Please your technician should E-Mail Customer if there's Problem at time of Disconnect and at location,,,,Not just do nothing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you for your attention in this Hard times of losing house,,,Putting My Best. friend Down,My Dog,And have to Live in Strange Country
Note I have given Forward Address to Atlantic City Electric. On 8-21-2012
Thank you Scott Kasperowicz Sr,,,,,,,I hope Atlantic City Electric can Fix there Mistakes,,Of Not Listening To Customers,,,Over the Phone. With Password to this Account,,,,
Scott Kasperowicz sr. South ,Korea 8-3-2012 2:00pm Monday 13 Hours a Head of States
- Scottk459 SBID #7639b6a96d
- Posted 09/02/2014
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against Atlantic City Electric
- Complaints Filed: 3
- Reported Damages: $1,400.00
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