JJ Oriental
Complaint 148904 Details
- Date Occurred: 08/15/2014
- Reported Damages: $875.00
The complaint is against an online dating profile
The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity
The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity
The company or person contact no longer exists
International boundaries
The JJ Oriental is the antique dealer on www.trocadero.com. The owner Giacomo James Aurino sold me a fake antique brush-pot ($875.00 item $800.00+shipping $75.00). We found out and want to return it, but Giacomo James Aurino found thousands reasons to refuse it, but according his returning policy,we have 30 days to return it. After we discuss, he accepted returningm but we need to pay 20% restorage fee which not mention in returning policy,and we accept his request.Then next day he refuse returning again, and threaten me, also use racist language. So please help me.
- YuanYuan SBID #d591b79ceb
- Posted 08/20/2014
- James SBID #8e1c1a7e90
- Posted 08/21/2014
- This person is a scam artist. He copies items fom other people's websites and sell them.He then buys it from it from the dealer and sells it as his own at a much higher price. If the his client refuses it he wants the dealer to refund his money claiming that the item is a fake. If the dealer refuses to refund the money he threatens to destroy them with this websie. I am not his only victim. JJ Oriental
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- James SBID #8e1c1a7e90
- Posted 08/21/2014
- He has done this with other dealers. I have sold my items to hundreds of clients and have never had an item returned to me. You can check this out with Tocadero.com. He thinks he can get away with this by threatening the dealers. This has to stop. He calls me a racist because I said that we have to be aware of buyers who want their items shipped to China when they live in the states. He is Chinese.I should have been aware. JJOriental
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- James SBID #8e1c1a7e90
- Posted 08/21/2014
- The item I sold him was not a fake. It was a 200 year old brushpot that I bought in China 15 years ago. If you would like to see it I can send you photos. JJOriental
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- YuanYuan SBID #d591b79ceb
- Posted 08/21/2014
Bluffing and saying (Inappropriate Content Removed) is only thing he can do. Moreover, his photos probably has been edited by photoshop.
I keep all the e-mails which he send to me, i would like to forward you guys as evidence. Also, i can provid all the purchase history on www.trocadero.com and bank transaction statment to help you guys identity who is the scam people. -
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- James SBID #2688553bbc
- Posted 08/21/2014
- He has never even seen the brushpot he claims is a fake as it was sent directly to his customer in China.
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Company Statistics
- Complaint Against JJ Oriental
- Complaints Filed: 1
- Reported Damages: $875.00
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