Subscriber Services Inc.
Complaint 145254 Details

  • Date Occurred: 08/10/2014
  • Reported Damages: $17.27

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

Approximately one month ago I was contacted by cell phone regarding receiving a $250 gift certificate for Walmart. After calling the number back, they mentioned a five-year contract to receive 5-6 magazines of my choice per month in order to receive the gift certificate. I told them that was too long so they shortened the time to two years at $17.27 per month. I really wanted the magazines and thought everything was okay until I received a letter from the company which only listed one of the magazines I wanted with a list of other magazines I could choose --none of which I wanted. The letter also stated I was to allow 60 to 120 days to get the new service, yet, they had charged my account for the first payment before I had even gotten off the phone with them. Then I received the so-called gift certificate (which was not a gift certificate, but a VOUCHER) which stated on the back, in very small print, that in order to redeem the $250 gift voucher, I would have to spend $100 per month for 10 months at a Walmart store using a major credit card, send in receipts and a stamped self-addressed envelope by certified mail for each of the 10 months to receive $25 per month. That was the deal-breaker for me -- to have to pay for the magazines AND spend $1,000 of my money and all that aggravation to receive $25 per months for 10 months!!! PLEASE!

When I called the company to cancel I was told I could not do so because thay had me on tape agreeing to their terms. I told them in no uncertain terms they would not see another penny of mine. I immediately called my bank to inform them of the matter and was told by them to cancel the card and they would issue a new one.

The company called today to complain about no longer being able to collect. I told them why and they said it will be sent to collections. I told them good luck with that. Have sent lstters to my state's Atty General's office and the FTC.

It's not so much the $17.27 as it is the scam! I wonder if Walmart and the other places they use even know they are using their names to perpetrate this gift certicate scam.

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Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Subscriber Services Inc.
  • Complaints Filed: 22
  • Reported Damages: $6,179.78
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