Complaint 121836 Details

  • Date Occurred: 06/05/2014
  • Reported Damages: $79.95

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

I started this process being in 4/2012. Shame on me, for checking the scam history of Keranique aka Hdroxatione…I started getting very nervous because of their underhanded ways. Before the 30-day cancellation date I attempted to cancel via phone and e-mail. They said they’d send me a “mailing label” via e-mail. I never received it. Called them back saying so. They said the e-service was not working. Tick-Tock…then they said they’d send me a mailing label via snail mail and extend my deadline. Then those #!&$#@!*! charged my American Express twice @ $6.96 with Keranique and Hydroxtone. I called to dispute it. Was credited $6.95. I finally received the label giving me 7 days before the dead line. I mailed the empty bottles the same day, hand delivered to postmaster. I felt I could breathe now that this drama was over. Then I was billed by “hydroxatone” $79.95 on my American Express (AX)! WTF! I disputed this with (AX) weeks ago. I just got a response today 6/5/12 saying I was denied the credit stating “Hydroxatone” never received my empty bottles. It’s taken me 3 hours to gather numerous phone records of my calls to this shady company, dates I documented of when I did what, and an e-mail to company canceling the product. I feel confident that I will get my credit of $79.95 after all my documentation…”paper-trail”. Most companies like this think the customer will not fight back thus they can multiply the $79.95 by thousands! Once bitten twice shy… remember check scam alerts of any too-good to be true products!

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  • Hydroxatone logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Hydroxatone
  • Complaints Filed: 212
  • Reported Damages: $159,027.05
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