Wilson and Morgan Law Firm
Complaint 108326 Details

  • Date Occurred: 04/30/2014
  • Reported Damages: $986.16

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on april 10th a man by the name of charles cooper left a voicemail on my cell phone stating there is a case pending in ref to me not paying an overdue loan. i never check my voicemail so on april 30th is when i recieved another call stating that he was an attourney from wilson and morgan law firm out of miami florida. he had all of my information my ssn,my address,my employer and the address at the office. he told me the name of a loan company that i obtained a loan from about 2 years ago and i never finished paying them off. well he advised that the loan company wanted to press charges and claim the unpaid fees. he advised that he was opening an investigaion called an OOCR which stands for out of court restitution. he advised that they would only give me until the end of the day to pay the debt in full. i work at a sheriffs office and we deal with scams all the time so i was a little suspcicous anyway. i contacted my father and he spoke with the guy who identified himself as ted cummings at the same number 3055074418. he told my father that the loan company was very furious and wanted to take whatever action necessary to get their money. he also told my father that i could lose my job and possibly face jail time in ref to fraud.my father was frantic,he advised we should hurry and pay them so no further action would be taken. the alleged attorney advised us to purchase two green dot money pak cards and give them the activation number off of them so we can settle the debt. after we gave them the numbers they were supposed to call us with a confirmation number and they never called. well i went to work that evening for 5 pm and someone called and wanted to report something identical to our situation. as soon as i took the complaint it made since to me that we were scammed earlier. so i automatically called the police department where i live and advised them when i got home from work i would contact them to make a report. i attempted several times before making the report to call the numbers they provided me earlier. the phone would automatically go to a busy signal. later the next day the alleged law firm called and advised there was a problem with my case and that i needed to pay more money. ted cummings advised that i needed to pay $1,750 dollars more. after getting off the phone with the law firm i called the loan company that i recieved a loan from 2 years ago. the loan company advised that they have not contacted an attorney that i did not owe that much and they have not contacted a law firm to press charges. later the wilson and morgan law firm called my job and advised they sent me a reciept of my first payment. i recieved the reciept but it stated that it was from the district court of new orleans at 500 poydras street room c-151 notarized by john grogan. the law firm then called my job and advised that they needed me to make the 2nd payment. i spoke with ted cummings again and advised him that i would not pay the remaining of what he said i owed. he advised they would refund my money on the green dot card and send my case papers to my job. the money was not refunded on the green dot card and i have not been able to contact them since then. people should beware of scams like these,i never thought it would happen to me and it did.

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  • Wilson and Morgan Legal Associates logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Wilson and Morgan Legal Associates
  • Complaints Filed: 29
  • Reported Damages: $38,127.17
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