subscribers service biz
Complaint 105628 Details

  • Date Occurred: 04/23/2014
  • Reported Damages: $1,000.00
  • !

The complaint is against an online dating profile

The complaint is a listing fraud posted on public forums or sites against an anonymous entity

The complaint is mobile text spam or smishing related against an anonymous entity

The company or person contact no longer exists

International boundaries

i got a text message saying call to claim your 250.00 walmart voucher well i call and i was talking to a guy asking me to buy a magazine he said it would only cost me 17.27 a month and i could cancel anytimei told him yeah ill try it mainly for my mom cause im not a reader so two days later i go to my bank and he has took out almost 35 dollars so i called back and they fixed it they gave me back the money they was not supose to take out but they fail to tell be that i could not cancel they just said they ask for us not to so i got on and then 2weeks later i get a call saying did i want to pay my contract off and i said i was not under a contract and i talked to many people and that was very rude and every one was saying i was under a 5 year contract i talked to 2 managers and they was really rude i asked to talk to someone over them like a owner and the lady stated no i will not u will resolved this with me and u just wanna talk to someone els cause u are not getting your way they was really rude and i even listen to a recording that they recorded of me and not one time did it say anything about a 5 year contract and all i want them to do it take my name out of there stuff cause i dont want there stuff they lied to me and told me i can cancel anytime and now 2 weeks later they are fighting with me telling me i cant this is all a scam so becareful cause i asked the guy in the begining was there and he said no cause all i wanted to do is try it out and now i cant cancel it its pretty messed up

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  • Subscriber Services Inc. logo

Company Statistics

  • Complaint Against Subscriber Services Inc.
  • Complaints Filed: 22
  • Reported Damages: $6,179.78
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