Company Details
TLF Main St. Flowers
TLF Main St. Flowers Summary
Scambook update:
Scambook personnel forwarded information regarding additional user submitted information on the Scambook platform. Details and contact information have been included to assist decision makers at the the company with resolving posted complaints; in the event they wish to provide some form of customer service to their consumers.Information about TLF Main St. Flowers was first submitted to Scambook on Aug 16, 2014. Since then the page has accumulated 32 consumer complaints. On average users reported $70.48 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 9 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on May 14, 2013.
Company Information
- Address:
- 1109 South El Camino Real
- San Clemente CA 92672
- Website:
- Phone:(949) 361-7917, (800) 220-0018
- Email:
- Additional Employees: No known Employees
- Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion
- This Company Page started on August 16th, 2014.
- Is This Your Business?
Company Rating
Company Statistics
Complaints Unresolved
- Unresolved Reported Damage $2,255.28
Thank you for submitting information suggestions.
We will review your suggestions and update the company profile if necessary.
Recent Complaints
- patti
- Posted On: 08/28/2016
- SBID # 4f5e8d3a38
- Anonymous
- Posted On: 05/10/2015
- SBID # bec39c7701
- Anonymous
- Posted On: 12/26/2014
- SBID # e0e38cd3b5
- Anonymous
- Posted On: 12/18/2014
- SBID # 00998815da
- Diana
- Posted On: 12/18/2014
- SBID # 11723a5bd0
- Posted On: 12/10/2014
- SBID # 20574a73b2
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