Company Details


  • AOL logo
  • AOL Summary

    I received two voice mails from a representative at AOL named Jerry M. Jerry was inquiring about the public business profile on Scambook and posted consumer complaints regarding AOL. I called Jerry back today on 8/13/2013 at 8:35 AM PST. There was no answer, but I did leave a detailed voice mail; following up with Jerry, and willing to answer any inquiries he may have. I am waiting for a response and will keep everyone updated as the situation progresses.

    Information about AOL was first submitted to Scambook on Aug 31, 2013. Since then the page has accumulated 21 consumer complaints. On average users reported $50889.13 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 9 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Jul 12, 2013.

  • Company Information

  • Address:
    • 22000 Aol Way
    • Dulles VA 20166
  • Website:
  • Phone:(212) 206-4400, (703) 265-4670, (800) 827-6364
  • Additional Employees:
    • Tim Armstrong CEO
  • Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion

Company Rating

Company Statistics

  • Complaints Unresolved
  • Unresolved Reported Damage $1,068,671.75

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