Company Details
L&M Enterprises-MyPayDay
L&M Enterprises-MyPayDay Summary
On 4/23/2013 I attempted to contact L&M Enterprises/MyPayDay by dialing (866) 922-9524. The number is disconnected. There is no current direct contact information for L&M Enterprises/MyPayDay as of now. Scambook will keep everyone updated if the situation changes or progresses in anyway.Information about L&M Enterprises-MyPayDay was first submitted to Scambook on Feb 22, 2014. Since then the page has accumulated 29 consumer complaints. On average users reported $38.21 of damages. Scambook's investigation team reached out to this company a total of 4 times, Scambook Investigators last contacted them on Apr 23, 2013.
Company Information
- Address:
- 36181 E Lake Rd
- Suite 211
- Palm Harbor FL 34685-3142
- Website:
- Phone:(866) 922-9524
- Email:Email Not Yet on File
- Additional Employees: No known Employees
- Outdated Info? Add company information suggestion
- This Company Page started on February 22nd, 2014.
- Is This Your Business?
Company Rating
Company Statistics
Complaints Unresolved
- Unresolved Reported Damage $1,108.00
Thank you for submitting information suggestions.
We will review your suggestions and update the company profile if necessary.
Recent Complaints
- kerrie
- Posted On: 03/24/2014
- SBID # 84588dcfe2
- Angelica1453
- Posted On: 03/14/2014
- SBID # 178f943fd8
- Posted On: 03/13/2014
- SBID # 688c46ee5a
- janelle
- Posted On: 03/12/2014
- SBID # 0e81544254
- Anonymous
- Posted On: 03/12/2014
- SBID # b8d6617d48
- debora
- Posted On: 03/09/2014
- SBID # 27206285a3
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